How I went 6 days road tripping without cellular entertainment.
Riddle: What has mountains, November temperatures in the 60s, and affordable flights?
Answer: Greece. And off we went! Check, check, and check — the perfect place for my first NEMO GO FAR adventure.
The Peloponnese peninsula offers breathtaking coastline, mountains, monasteries, cozy towns, and rich
1. Challenging (Read: Treacherous) Roads
I’ve been on giant buses on tiny roads in the mountains of Switzerland. I’ve also been in the back seat of a taxi with 4 strangers on the bustling (seemingly) lawless roads of Morocco. Somehow Greece still takes the cake.
2. Stunning Views
The scenery on the Peloponnese peninsula is on point. And, contrary to popular belief, Greece isn’t just white buildings with blue roofs; these are really just on the islands. Rather, we found the Peloponnese peninsula to feature: snow capped mountain ranges, enormous cliffs, row after row of olive trees, quaint cobblestone towns, farm land with sheep and cows, beaches and coves… and of course, countless ancient cities and ruins.
3. Tired Legs
When Fred and I plan trips, we plan them around exercise and outdoor adventure. Thus, the road trip-hike-run-eat-camp-repeat lifestyle lends itself well. Although we spent a portion of each day driving, we also hiked or ran every single day. And because we’re running or speed hiking, we can cover a lot of ground in a 24 hour period.
4. Quality Gear
Purchase or rent gear that creates a home away from home. I’ve come to prefer my sleep system to the standard hotel or hostel. I like the routine that comes with owning the same gear for years. Setting up camp becomes muscle memory, and the textures and smells that lovingly linger put me at ease. I’m asleep before you can say, “Siri, download a sound maker”.
5. Looney Games
“Help! We’ve lost our minds!”This may or may not have been shouted a time or two. This brings me to one of my favorite parts of this blog post: Fred & Becca’s Greecey Car Games … Get it? Yeah, needs work…
- Factory or fire? See that smoke in the distance? Is it being produced by a factory or a brush fire? We saw both. Many times.
- Sheep or cow? See that road sign depicting a farm animal? Well what is it? We saw both. Many times. And almost always guessed wrong.
- Will it charge? See that seemingly harmless dog? Is it about to viciously attack our MOVING car? I’ve never seen a dog bite and growl at the bumper of a moving car…until this trip.
- Is it open? See that gas station/restaurant/bar/store/campground/hotel? Are there any signs of life? I’d say on average we were 2 for 10 on this one. Turns out, November is very much the off-season.
- Will there be a toilet seat? This continues to puzzle me. We even read about it on other people’s travel blogs after. The majority of toilets in Greece do not have toilet seats. But the attachment point is very much there. So, my question is, do they remove them? Why?
Becca & Fred's KIT
The NEMO GO FAR (Get Outside For Adventure & Research) Program gears employees up and sends them out to spend time in interesting places in NEMO gear. We believe great design starts with real adventures, and are committed to making sure all NEMO employees get to experience it. When Becca Cole isn't crushing ultra marathons or adventuring in Greece, she can be found testing products and taking good care of NEMO customers back at Headquarters.